It is around fifteen meters deep and fifty meters long.
Té al voltant de quinze metres de profunditat i al voltant de cinquanta de llarg.
Font: Covost2
Public transport around the hotel
Transport públic al voltant de l’hotel
Font: MaCoCu
The play lasts about fifteen minutes.
L’obra dura al voltant de quinze minuts.
Font: Covost2
They swam negligently around the stop.
Nadaven negligentment al voltant de la parada.
Font: Covost2
Garden around the entire house.
Jardí al voltant de tota la casa.
Font: MaCoCu
The site is structured around three courtyards.
L’espai s’articula al voltant de tres patis.
Font: MaCoCu
Convent facilities are surrounding the church.
Les dependències conventuals estan al voltant de l’església.
Font: Covost2
It describes about two-thirds of a circle.
Descriu al voltant de dos terços d’un cercle.
Font: Covost2
He died at Paris about 1712.
Va morir a París al voltant de 1712.
Font: MaCoCu
And I’m going to show you up to maybe 2007.
I us ensenyaré fins al voltant de 2007.
Font: TedTalks
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